About Us
You're an individual, your lifestyle is individual, shouldn't your home be individually designed for you too?
Coastal Home Solutions, Inc. was started in response to the pressing demand for quality housing. We propose solutions to many of the problems confronting home buyers. Primarily those difficulties are affordability, housing that meets the specific needs of individuals, and the time/effort required to find solutions. We think our advanced technology component building system solves the affordability and customization needs while Coastal Home Solutions can provide the service to drastically reduce the time and effort of acquiring and completing your new home. We have assembled a highly experienced team to design, engineer, draw blueprints, process permits, coordinate and project manage the construction of your home to your specifications.
Our goal is to provide the best, most comprehensive service available to the homebuyer to meet your needs. We want to be your Total Home Solution. Coastal Home Solutions Design Center was opened in 2001. Since that time, Coastal Home Solutions, Inc. has successfully designed and completed projects all over the Bay Area and Central California for individual homeowners, non-profits and real estate investors alike.
Our President, Ray Schmitt has been involved with custom home construction and property development since 1975 and founding Four Winds Construction in 1980. This wealth of development experience in all phases of planning, permit processing, budgeting, scheduling, design, construction, and management can help bring your dream to life.